The Todd Reservoir Tie-in Trail #896 begins at Todd Reservoir and ends at the National Forest Boundary. It provides access from Todd Reservoir to McDonald Mesa on BLM west of the reservoir. This trail can be very rough and rocky with muddy spots when wet. There are also places that are overgrown with brush. The trail passes through oak brush, sage brush, and pinyon-juniper. At Todd Reservoir there is a Spur trail #896.A leading to dispersed camping sites. The reservoir is usually dry and does not support fish.
Geo-Ref Trail Map Geo-Reference Instructions
From Paonia: Turn right onto 1st Street and travel 0.1 miles to Matthews Lane. Veer left onto Matthews Lane and continue for 1.8 miles to the Crawford Road. Turn left onto the Crawford Road and continue for 0.7 miles to the Stewart Mesa Road. Turn left onto the Stewart Mesa Road and travel for 1 mile to 4050 Road. Turn right onto 4050 Road and continue for approximately 1.3 miles to L50 Road. Turn left into the McClusky State Wildlife Area parking lot. Follow Forest Service Road #834 for 2.3 miles to the intersection with FSR #834.2A and follow this for 0.4 miles to the beginning of the Todd Reservoir Jeep Trail. Follow Trail #891 for 1.7 miles to the beginning of the Todd Reservoir Tie-in Trail. Forest Service Road #834 and #834.2A can be challenging when wet and are best for ATV use.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W