The Strand Hill Trail #556 begins on Forest Service Road 736.1A, Strand Hill Road, and ends at an intersection with the Strand Bonus Trail #407. This trail travels downhill through aspen and open meadows and provides beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. A combination of the Ferris Road, FSR 736, Strand Hill Road, FSR 736.1A, Strand Hill Trail #556, Canal Trail #408, and Brush Creek Road, FSR 738, make about a 4.8 mile loop.
Geo-Ref Trail Map Geo-Reference Instructions
From Crested Butte: Travel south on Hwy 135 for approximately 1.8 miles to County Road 738, Brush Creek Road. At the Forest Boundary, CO 738 becomes FSR 738. Follow CO 738 for approximately 2.5 miles, there will be a parking area on the left. Follow FSR 738 for approximately 1 mile to the beginning of the Ferris Road, FSR 736. Follow FSR 736 for approximately 0.7 miles to the intersection with the Strand Hill Road, FSR 736.1A. Follow FSR 736.1A for approximately 0.7 miles to the beginning of the Strand Hill Trail #556.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 73° 6′ 43.2000″ S
Longitude 38° 52′ 26.4000″ E