The Soap Creek Trail #443 begins at the intersection with the Little Robinson Trail #850 and the Peters Creek Trail #856 in the West Elk Wilderness, where Wilderness Regulations apply, and ends at Soap Creek Road, FSR #721. The trail departs from the intersection and climbs in a southerly direction through aspen and open parks. When it reaches the divide between the Robinson and Soap Creek drainages it enters the Gunnison Ranger District and descends down the Soap Creek drainage. It follows the creek most of the way traveling through conifer, aspen and open parks to its end at FSR #721. Trail Brochure
Little Robinson Trailhead:
From Paonia, travel east on Highway 133 for approximately 16 to Kebler Pass Road, Gunnison County Road 12. Follow CR12 for approximately 1 mile to Coal Creek Road, FSR #709. Follow FSR#709 for approximately 11 miles to its end at the Little Robinson Trailhead. Follow the Little Robinson Tail #850 for approximately 4.5 miles to its intersection with the Soap Creek Trail.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 38° 48′ 28.8000″ N
Longitude 107° 17′ 38.4000″ W