
Robinson Creek #854A

The Robinson Creek Trail #854A begins at an intersection with the Peter Creek Trail #856 and ends at an intersection with the Elk Basin Trail #854. The trail climbs in a southerly direction through riparian, aspen and conifer until it reaches Elk Basin deep within the West Elk Wilderness. Deer, elk and other wildlife as well as domestic cattle may be seen along the way. In Elk Basin, trails lead out toward Haystack Mountain, Soap Basin and the headwaters of Little Robinson Creek. These trails help form two loops which will take the hiker or equestrian back to the Little Robinson Trailhead.

Geo-Ref Trail Map   Geo-Reference Instructions


Little Robinsons Trailhead:

From Paonia: Travel northeast on Highway 133 for approximately 15 miles to County Road 12, Kebler Pass Road. Turn onto CR 12 and travel east for approximately 1 mile to Forest Service Road #709, Coal Creek Road.  Travel south on FSR #709 for approximately 10 miles to the Little Robinson Trailhead near the end of the road. Follow the Little Robinson Trail for approximately 1.05 miles to the Kaufman Creek Trail. Follow the Kaufman Creek Trail for approximately 2.3 miles to “The Forks” which is the intersection with the Peter Creek Trail #856. The Robinson Creek Trail begins about 0.15 miles up Peter Creek Trail.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W