
Powerline #541

The Powerline Trail #541 begins at the end of Forest Service Road #559, Raspberry Site Road, and ends at Forest Service Road #540, Old Highway 90. The trail descends for 1.1 miles and follows the powerline for another 0.2 miles before switchbacking down the ridge. It continues to descend and in another 1.7 miles it again intersects the powerline following it for another 0.3 miles. The trail then cuts south and continues its descent for about another 0.8 miles before ending at FSR #540.

Geo-Ref Trail Map   Geo-Reference Instructions


From Montrose: Travel west on Highway 90 for approximately 23 miles to the intersection with Forest Service Road #402, Divide Road. Continue on FSR #402, North Divide Road, for approximately 3.1 miles to the intersection with FSR #559, Raspberry Site Road. Turn south on FSR #559 and continue for approximately 0.3 miles to the end of the road and the beginning of the trail.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W