
Poole Creek Swimming Site

The Poole Creek Campground lies just south of the mouth of Poole Creek on the west shore of Lemolo Lake, the highest reservoir on the North Umpqua River, in lodgepole pine, mountain hemlock, and Shasta red fir forest. The lake contains Kokanee, Eastern Brook, and a few Rainbow trout. Large German brown trout are wild native fish and can be taken on troll and fly. Water and jetskiing is a popular activity on portions of the lake. The lake depth exceeds 100 feet in places.activities: Boating, fishing, hiking, swimming, waterskiing.

Brochures Available: Diamond and Lemolo Lake Area The North Umpqua Trail Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Diamond Drive Tour


From Roseburg, OR take OR-138 E/NE Diamond Lakd Blvd. Continue 72 miles east of Roseburg on Highway 138, turn north onto Forest Service Road 2610, the Bird’s Point Road. Proceed 4 miles and turn right at the Poole Creek Campground sign. The campground is located on the west shore of Lemolo Lake.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 43° 18′ 44.2296″ N

Longitude 122° 11′ 36.2400″ W