
Park Visitor Center

The park visitor center is located in the 1928 Independence Fire Station,which is in the Harry S Truman Historic District National Historic Landmark and one block north of the historic Independence Town Square.


The Visitor Center is located at the intersection of Truman Road and Main Street, in Historic Fire Station No.1. From the north or south, take I-435 to Truman Road (State Hwy 12), exit 60. Travel east on Truman Road three miles; you’ll pass the Truman Home at Delaware Street. From the east or west, take I-70 to the Noland Road exit (12). Travel north on Noland Road four miles to Truman Road. Turn west on Truman Road and travel two blocks.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W