
Paradox #126

The Paradox Trail #126 begins at Forest Service Road #535, Paradox Road, and ends at an intersection with the Spring Creek Trail #116. The trail mostly descends through aspen groves with nice views to the northeast. At about 2.4 miles it crosses West Fork Spring Creek and continues east. In about another 0.8 miles it turns south continuing below a ridgeline on the west and above the Middle Fork Spring Creek drainage on the east. In another 2.2 miles it intersects the Spring Creek Trail.

Geo-Ref Trail Map   Geo-Reference Instructions


From Montrose: Travel west on Highway 90 for approximately 23 miles to the intersection with Forest Service Road #402, Divide Road. Turn south on FSR #402 and continue for approximately 8.6 miles to FSR #535, Paradox Road. Turn north onto FSR #535 and continue for approximately 2 miles to the trail beginning on the east side of the road across from the East Fork Dry Creek Trail #114.1B.

High clearance vehicles are recommended on FSR #535.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W