The Oil Well Mountain Trail #522.1A begins on Forest Service Road #265.3D, intersects with the Grand Valley Ranger Districts the Burn Trail #522, and ends at the end of Forest Service Road #265.3A. The combination of these two trail and a section of CR 265 make a complete loop. The trail travels to the east through parks and scattered aspen. As it turns north it climbs through an aspen forest. After 3.5 miles it climbs a narrow ridge to the edge of Muddy Basin and then further on to The Burn. This area is scattered spruce and fir trees mixed into open parks. It begins to descend to the west toward Oil Well Mountain through aspen and comes out under the power line as it meets FSR 265.3A. Continue south on FSR 265.3A for almost a mile before turning west to rejoin CR 265.
Geo-Ref. Trail Map Geo-Reference Instructions
From Paonia: Travel east on Highway 133 for approximately 22 miles to the intersection with County Road 265, Buzzard Divide/Collbran Road. Turn left onto CR 265 and continue for approximately 14.5 miles to the intersection with Forest Service Road #265.3D. Turn right onto FSR #265.3D and there is a parking area near the intersection. Follow FSR 265.3D for approximately 1 mile to the trail beginning.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W