
North Timp Snowmobile Route #152

The route to Timp and North Timp Viewpoints is a beautiful drive through a ponderosa pine forest. Both points offer a panoramic view of the Grand Canyon and its tributary canyons. Timp Point is the only known, easily accessible point on the Kaibab Plateau where it is possible,with binoculars, to see Thunder River as it emerges from the north wall of Tapeats Canyon.

Cool, summer camping is available here with an excellent opportunity to view wildlife, particularly the Kaibab squirrel, deer, fox, turkey, hawks, eagles and a number of songbird species.

This is an excellent area for snowmobiling starting at the Jacob Lake Lodge to the North Timp area.


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 36° 23′ 24.2268″ N

Longitude 112° 21′ 23.3424″ W