
Little Wambaw Swamp Wilderness


Little Wambaw Swamp Wilderness (5,047 ac) features wild orchids, pickerel weed and bladderwort as part of its dense understory. Impressively large bald cypress and water tupelo trees grow throughout, some in areas believed to be virgin timber. The remains of raised railroad tram lines cross the area and may provide slightly higher ground for camping, but wading in the sloughs and bottomland hardwood forest is a necessity to explore the wilderness. There are no trails, and some areas are thick with undergrowth in the cypress/tupelo swamp. However there are beautiful areas of mature bottomland hardwoods comprised of oaks, hickories, sycamores and maples that are well worth experiencing. As with all lowcountry wildernesses, it is best to explore in winter and early spring. Access the area at the perimeter using FS roads 220A, 217A and B.


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W