
Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Visitor Center

The visitor center features a detailed exhibit with interviews, news footage, and audio/video recordings of those directly involved + a new park interpretive film, restrooms and a Jefferson National Parks Association (JNPA) bookstore.


Take the Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard exit (2B) off Interstate 630. Go south on Martin Luther King, Jr (away from Arkansas State Capitol). Turn right (west) onto Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive. The Visitor Center and Visitor Parking will be on your Right at the intersection of Daisy L. Gatson Bates and Park Street, directly across from the historic Magnolia Gas Station and diagonally across from Central High School campus. All visitors should park and begin visit at the National Park Visitor Center.

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W