This trail winds along a portion of the Little Missouri River, a designated wild and scenic river. Cascading waterfalls, stately hardwoods, old-growth pine stands, wildlife, and seasonal leaf colors are just a few of the natural delights awaiting hikers. One of the most scenic areas, the Winding Stair area, offers breathtaking views of the forest, river, and large novaculite rock outcrops. This trail is fairly level with a few steep inclines. It crosses the Little Missouri River eight times and Crooked, Brier, Long, and Blaylock creeks once. Hikers should be careful when crossing streams. Rocks in streams can be slick and high water is dangerous after rain storms.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W