
Kendrick Mountain Wilderness

Kendrick Mountain Wilderness is located on the eastern edge of the Williams Ranger District, straddling a boundary with the Coconino National Forest. Ranging from just over 7,000 feet to 10,418 feet. The Kendrick Mountain Wilderness covers the slopes of northern Arizona's second highest peak. The vast majority of this alpine area is forested, ranging from stands of ponderosa pine mixed with Gambel Oak at lower altitudes, to alpine spruce and fir near the summit. Much of the steeper parts of Kendrick contain old growth forest that contributes valuable habitat for the Mexican spotted owl, bear, and Northern goshawk. Wildflower covered meadows break the tree cover at a number of places, providing forage for mule deer and elk as well as viewpoints and lunch spots for forest visitors. Kendrick Mountain is one of many remnants of the vast San Francisco Mountain volcanic field that stretches from near Seligman on the west and east beyond Flagstaff to Canyon Diablo. Three hiking trails offer access to the wilderness.


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 35° 24′ 49.0230″ N

Longitude 111° 51′ 26.4586″ W