
Hunt Unit 11M (Peaks)

San Francisco PeaksA primarily roadless and Wilderness hunt area designated to help restore aspen, in particular young aspen sprouts that are browsed upon by elk and deer. It’s ideal for those seeking a unique and challenging hunt on foot or horseback.

The Coconino National Forest and Arizona Game & Fish Department (AZGFD) teamed-up to create this new AZGFD sub-unit. The Peaks Hunt is Game Management Unit 11M and was first established in 2011. It has since become a popular hunt with above average success even though it is listed as a “Limited Opportunity” hunt area.

The unit includes the San Francisco Peaks and Hart Prairie – some of the most scenic areas on the forest and the highest elevation in Arizona. The 1996 Hochderffer Fire (pictured here) and 2010 Schultz Fire burn scars are also within the unit boundary.


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W