
Hubbell Trading Post NHS Visitor Center

The visitor center is located east of the trading post. Interpretive exhibits on Hubbell family, the Long Walk, weaving, and a children’s trading post are located inside. Ask for brochures and other informational leaflets.
Guided tour tickets for the Hubbell Home are available.
An interactive video, and viewing of 1-2 minutes snapshots of different videos that are for sell at the trading post are all available inside.


From East: drive 1/2 mile west of junction Hwy 364-191, entrance is on left-hand side.
From West: drive 5 miles east on Hwy 191, drive over bridge, turn immediately to right after the bridge.
We share entrance road with the Mormon Church (landmark).

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W