
Hack #28 & Hack Lawson #110

This trail originates on Arizona Strip BLM at the Hack Canyon trailhead, and descends about 3.6 miles to the east before reaching the Kanab Creek Wilderness boundary. The trail crosses into Forest Service wilderness and continues on FS land for 3 miles before it connects with Ranger Trail #41.

The hike is arduous and very remote, ascending and descending steep, slick rock cliffs and benches. It offers spectacular scenery of the Grand Canyon Esplanade and the Kanab Creek watershed.

The trail has two trail numbers on FS land, but is essentially one trail. From the BLM boundary to Kanab Creek, it is called Hack Trail #28 (1.2 miles). From Kanab Creek to Ranger Trail #41, it is called Hack-Lawson Trail #110 (1.8 miles).


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 36° 32′ 16.8000″ N

Longitude 112° 38′ 13.2000″ W