Eagleview Park offers wonderful views of the West Point Dam and Lake at the southernmost portion of the reservoir. Fishing and picnicking are two of the most popular activities at this park. A pavilion is available for reservations for larger groups. Eagleview Park offers easy trail access to mountain bikers and hikers
Eagleview Group Shelter offers water, electricity, restrooms, and a playground
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Charges & Cancellations
Cancellations must be made 14 days prior to the reservation date in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after the date of the reservation. Reservations will not be refunded due to weather related issues.
Eagleview Group Shelter is located four miles north of West Point Georgia on US Highway 29 North. Turn left at the West Point Lake sign and travel approximately 1 1/4 miles. Turn right at the sign for Eagleview and bear left to enter the parking area.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W