Closed for the season.
Park information, exhibits, souvenir and bookstore, NPS passport cancellation, restrooms, drinking water, wheel chair and stroller accessible Dingmans Creek Trail to Silverthread and Dingmans Falls, guided waterfall walks.
During the summer, parking can fill by 11:00 am, most weekends. Please plan your visit accordingly. There is no RV parking at this location. Some RV parking is available one mile from the visitor center, at the corner of PA Route 209, and Johnny Bee Road.
The Dingmans Falls Visitor Center is approximately 8 miles south of I-84 and approximately 21 miles north of I-80, and can be accessed via US-209. The visitor center is on Dingmans Falls Road, about 1 mile from the turn from US-209 onto Dingmans Falls Road.
Located in Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania; GPS: 41.229477, -74.887899
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W