Located in downtown Chitina at mile 33 on the Edgerton Highway. Upon entering Chitina town southbound, turn left at the Chitina Hotel, drive down the gravel road 0.2 mile (300 meters), station on left. The light brown historical log cabin with mint green trim is the Chitina Ranger Station.
The Chitina Ranger Station is 58 miles away from the Copper Center Visitor Center, located in the town of Chitina, behind the State of Alaska Wayside (vault toilet and interpretive panels). Located in downtown Chitina at mile 33 on the Edgerton Highway. Upon entering Chitina town southbound, turn left at the Chitina Hotel, drive down the gravel road 0.2 mile (300 meters), station on left. The light brown historical log cabin has mint green trim. Look for the flagpole in front of the building.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W