
Bald Mountain Tie-In #882

The Bald Mountain Tie-in Trail #882 begins about 0.25 miles before Bald Mountain Reservoir and ends at an intersection with the Piburn Trail #880. This trail follows FSR #713 and then borders Bald Mountain Reservoir on it’s west side before climbing 3/4 mile to the north east corner of Bald Mountain.  The spectacular views from the steep switch back section of the trail look into the heart of the West Elk Wilderness.  The trail drops steeply to join the Piburn Trail one mile further.  Due to high elevation and deep snow pack, the trail usually isn’t open until mid to late July.

Geo-Ref Trail Map   Geo-Reference Instructions


From Crawford: Travel south on Highway 92 for approximately 12 miles to Forest Service Road #713, Crystal Creek Road.  Turn east onto FSR #713 and continue for approximately 18 miles to where the trail begins.  There is limited parking is available at the trail with additional parking and camping spots 1/4 mile farther at Bald Mountain Reservoir.


GPS Coordinates

Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S

Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W