Ajax Peak is a nontechnical peak climb close to Telluride, CO that offers 360-degree views from its 12,785-foot summit. It is a fairly arduous hike, gaining over 2400 feet in elevation when started from the Valley View Parking Area at the base of Forest Road #638.
From Telluride, CO drive east approximately 1.5 miles past the Pandora Mill site to a the large unmarked parking area on the right side of road (Valley View Parking Area). Continue up Forest Road #648, switchbacking up past Ingram Falls at 0.8 miles. Continue for approximately 1.0 mile, watching for old mining cables overhead. Between the road and fourth cable you will find the unmarked trail to Ajax on the left side of the road. Look for a small tailings pile and begin hiking directly below it. You will eventually find a well-worn trail, which travels to the east of the tailings and then west and above them. From the summit are views of Ingram Lake, Silver Lake, the Telluride Ski Area, Lone Cone Peak, and the La Sal Mountain range in Utah.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W