This trail is just under 17 miles (not including spurs) and offers some spectacular scenery. Starting at the intersection of the Mammoth Creek Highway heading east, the primary trail ties in with Trail 1 and offers numerous loops on the secondary routes (43-49) which lead to destinations like Mammoth Cave (46), Asay Knoll Loop and Mammoth Creek to Hatch. On the west side of Mammoth Creek Highway, this trail leads to Henrie Knoll (42), Tommy Creek, Mammoth Springs (41), Jensen Sawmill (OHV only) and Dead Lake before it ties into Trail 1 at Red Desert.
Spur trails include:
40 Reeds Valley
This spur is just under two miles and connects the main trail to Reeds Valley.
41 Mammoth Spring
This spur is just under 3 miles and winds through Tommy Creek subdivision and wraps back around to the north and ends just past Mammoth Spring.
42 Henrie Knolls
This spur is just over 2 miles long and climbs up on top of northern most Henrie Knoll.
43 Ponderosa Connector
This spur is just under a mile long and connects the main trail to Spur 44 Ponderosa Loop.
44 Ponderosa Loop
This spur is about 5.5 miles long and begins about a mile and a half north of Ponderosa Village. From Ponderosa Village take Spur 46 (Mammoth Cave) for just under a half of a mile and take the left fork. From there the trail splits between the Strawberry Knolls, and then turns north. It continues north past the Ponderosa Connector Spur, the Uinta Loop Spur, and then turns east just south of Bowers Knoll. From there the trail passes another connection to the Uinta Loop Spur, and continues east to tie into the Mammoth Cave Spur again.
45 Uinta Loop
This 4 mile spur cuts west from the Mammoth Cave Spur at Uinta Flat and circles to the north before tying in with the Ponderosa Loop Spur.
46 Mammoth Cave
This six mile long spur starts at the intersection of Strawberry Creek and Highway 14 near Ponderosa Village. It heads in a northerly direction for six miles intersecting many spurs along the way and ends at Mammoth Cave.
47 Asay Creek Loop
This spur is just under 10 miles long and begins by bisecting the Asay Knoll Loop Spur (Spur 49) and wraps around the south and east sides of Asay knoll. It then meanders north past Buck Knoll before tying into the Lower Mammoth Creek spur near Wilson Spirng. This trail offer some outstanding scenery and travels through a colorful portion of the forest.
48 Lower Mammoth Creek
This 5 ½ mile long spur is part of a main route connecting the town of Hatch to the Mammoth Highway. It starts out near Wilson Spring, and ends at the Cedar City Ranger District’s boundary on the way to the town of Hatch.
49 Asay Knoll Loop
This spur is a loop totaling just under 6 miles in lenth, and is bisected by the Asay Creek Loop (Spur 47). It heads north off of Asay Creek Loop from the Uinta Flat area, then turns east and then wraps around to the south skirting the west side of Asay Knoll. It then crosses Spur 47 again and continues south and begins to meander west above Strawberry Creek before turning back to the north and tying into Spur 47 again.
GPS Coordinates
Latitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ S
Longitude 0° 0′ 0.0000″ W